Ultimate Under Counter Water Filter Buying Guide

Under Sink or Under Counter water filters are one of the best and most popular ones for residential use in America. The main reason is in the very primary feature of these filters that is to work proficiently without being seen. Most of the American households have houses which are designed interiorly throughout. The kitchens of these houses are often modular which are both efficient and great in design. Water filters even after looking as fancy as they can in their design do not help in enhancing the ambience of the kitchen. That is why, under sink water filters are loved by the pure American hearts. 

But, often many people buy under sink water filters without knowing what and how it suits their own household needs. A survey conducted in 2017 showed that people choose a water filter purely based on how fast and how much water it can purify in the least amount of time. This usually in the long run turns out to be quite costly as well as overrated because: 
  • You may have bought a water filter which is over powered than required 
  • The cartridge replacement is costlier 
  • Maintenance and repairs are unnecessarily expensive 

So, in order to avoid buying the wrong under sink water filter purely based on how fast it works, go through these few basic tips to make a good buying decision:

Single or Multi Point of Use

Usually, people buy single point of use water filters. This essentially means that the pure water will come out only from one faucet. But, after buying the water filter, people find out that they may need to provide pure drinking water in more places. This will require an additional expense o extending the faucet line which also increases workload of the water filter. 

So, before buying the under sink water filter, you should identify the number of point of use faucets you need and buy the one which has inbuilt capability to do so. Multi point of use filters have more flow rate capacity and do not get overloaded when multiple faucets are in use at the same time. 

Do Not Stop At One

Water filer companies are becoming highly competitive and provide huge offers and discounts in their products. Under counter water filters being the most popular of all are one of the most competitive products and have most offers. If you search right, you may get an under sink water filter suited for your needs as low as $200.

Company Credibility Is A Must 

There are a number of companies which provide great products like Apex water filter and so. But there are a lot of frauds in the market too. So, check the credibility of the company before you buy the water filter simply because it is coming at a cheap cost. You can do this effectively by:
  • Checking the age of the company 
  • Looking for online product reviews 
  • Considering the negative feedbacks and the response of the company to them 
Article Source: https://waterfiltertips.wordpress.com/2018/11/15/tips-to-buy-best-under-counter-water-filter/

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